Safe Exit

Sexual Assault Support & Resources

Hope and Healing for those Impacted by Sexual Violence

Education and Resources

We offer prevention-focused education for school-aged children and youth, parent groups, community groups, sports teams, and organizations. Our research-based educational programming includes topics such as healthy relationships, understanding consent, sexual harassment and assault, internet safety, disclosure training, and more.


Healing from trauma caused by sexual violence is available for you at Saffron Centre, whether you have personally experienced trauma, or you are the support person of someone impacted. Our affordable and specialized counselling program includes various options to best suit your needs and is available for adults, youth, and children aged four and older.

Police and
Court Advocacy 

For those considering reporting to police, we offer support and accompaniment throughout the reporting and court process. Several supportive options for reporting are available, including satellite reporting at Saffron Centre. After reporting, we also provide assistance and advocacy throughout court proceedings.

Saffron Centre is a non-profit charitable organization offering compassionate counselling, preventative education, and specialized police and court advocacy for those impacted by sexual violence. Our team will walk with you as we journey toward healing and justice.

Sexual violence is highly prevalent within our communities, with 43% of Albertans having experienced sexual violence in their lifetime. We can move toward safer communities through preventative education, support through the reporting and court processes, as well as healing through trauma-informed counselling.

If you have experienced sexual assault or abuse, we are here for you. Call us and we will walk with you as you regain hope and healing.

News and Events

The Power of Consent in Sport

Sports can change lives. Growing up in a family of dedicated athletes, I have been immersed in team sports my entire life. These experiences have

Our Biggest Year Yet: #ConsentEvent2024

Saffron hosted our 9th annual Consent Event at Broadmoor Lake Park on May 25th, and once again, we were amazed at how many people came

Recognizing Sexual Violence Awareness Month

May 1st marks the beginning of Sexual Violence Awareness Month in Alberta. “Sexual violence” is an umbrella term used by support agencies to cover a

Sexual violence includes sexual abuse, assault, harassment, exploitation, or any form of sexual contact without consent. This includes circumstances where you are unable to give consent, such as if you are intoxicated, asleep or unconscious, or the other person is in a position of authority like a teacher or a coach. It also includes circumstances of coercion, pressure, or manipulation into sexual contact.

You are not alone and it wasn’t your fault.

If you are still in danger and need immediate help, call 911.

If the sexual assault occurred within the last 7 days, you are eligible to complete a sexual assault evidence kit at your nearest hospital. You may request a Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) Nurse at any emergency room in the Edmonton and surrounding area. You are also eligible to store your evidence for up to one year through the Third Option Program.

Call Alberta’s One Line at 1-866-403-8000 for emotional support, information, and resources.
If you want to learn more about counselling or options for reporting to police, call Saffron at 780-449-0900.

There is no time limit for reporting a crime of sexual violence, nor is there a time limit for getting supportive counselling. Whether you experienced sexual violence decades ago or weeks ago, Saffron Centre is here to provide you with counselling, information, and support.

No, you are generally not required to report your experience of sexual violence to police or children’s services to access counselling at Saffron Centre. However, there are some circumstances where reporting is mandated by law, and thus reporting to access counselling is required. These situations may include:

  • If you are a minor (under 18 years old) or vulnerable person (with a physical or mental disability) and in imminent danger of it happening again (e.g. if you live with the person or are forced to be in contact with the person that harmed you).
  • If you are a minor or vulnerable person and were harmed by a guardian who still has legal guardianship defined by the Family Law Act.
  • If the person that harmed you is a regulated health professional (e.g., doctor, dentist, physiotherapist).

In these cases, support with reporting is available with advocates from our Specialized Police and Court Support department.

Serving Strathcona County and the Greater Edmonton Area Since 2000

Saffron Centre has served those who have experienced sexual violence since 2000. Our specialized and compassionate staff take a supportive and trauma-informed approach to our services. We are here to provide information, support, and tangible resources that will help you with your healing journey.

Youth Support

We know that sexual violence can impact anyone – regardless of age. If you are under the age of 18 and have been affected by sexual violence, we are here to support you.

We will ALWAYS believe you. 

Our goal is to support you, and we strive to maintain confidentiality whenever possible. This means that we will protect your privacy and only inform others when legally necessary. In Alberta, there is a law requiring any adult with reasonable and probable grounds to believe that someone under the age of 18 is in immediate danger to report to Child and Family Services or the Police. This means that if you tell any of our staff members that you are currently experiencing ongoing abuse of any type or if there is a risk of imminent abuse, we will need to report it to Child and Family Services or the Police. We may also need to break confidentiality if you disclose immediate plans to harm yourself or someone else. In any of these situations, we will do our best to give you a choice in how this unfolds and to keep you informed and involved in the process.

Our Funders


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Monday 9:00am 4:30pm
Tuesday 9:00am 9:00pm Wednesday 9:00am 9:00pm
Thursday 9:00am 4:30pm
Friday 9:00am – 4:30pm
Saturday: 9:00am – 3:00pm

Christmas Holiday Closure

Saffron Centre will be closed beginning Saturday, December 23rd through Monday, January 1st and will reopen on January 2nd. Voicemails and emails will not be monitored during this time. For immediate support, call the Edmonton Distress line at 780-482-4357 or the Central Alberta Sexual Assault Centre 24-Hour Help line at 1-866-956-1099.

From all of us at Saffron Centre, we wish you a peaceful holiday season and many blessings in the New Year.