Recognizing Sexual Violence Awareness Month

The Saffron Centre Team kicking off the Teal Ribbon Campaign for Sexual Violence Awareness Month

Saffron has chosen to mark this Sexual Violence Awareness Month with a teal ribbon campaign across the communities we serve. Teal was chosen long ago as the colour of sexual violence prevention and awareness and represents the building of trust and healing. Our team is handing out ribbons to our community members through May to wear in support of those who have experienced sexualized violence in any form.

On April 23, 2024, Strathcona County’s Mayor proclaimed May as Sexual Violence Awareness Month. The proclamation reads as follows:

Sexual violence is a pervasive issue that impacts individuals of all ages, genders, races, ethnicities, and socioeconomic backgrounds. It is imperative to acknowledge the impact of sexual violence on survivors, families, and communities, and to stand in support and solidarity with those who have experienced trauma.

Promoting awareness, prevention, and healing for survivors is an essential step in addressing the issue of sexual violence and fostering safer communities. No one person or agency can eliminate sexual violence on their own; the effort of the community as a whole to offer respect, consent, and ongoing support helps to encourage healing and break the cycle of trauma and violence.

Together, Strathcona County and Saffron Centre call on our community members to join us in efforts to raise awareness about sexual violence and its impact on communities by participating in the following:

  1. Raising awareness about sexual violence and the impact it has on all levels of society.
  2. Supporting survivors of all types of sexual violence by offering compassion, non-judgement, and access to services for healing.
  3. Staying educated on issues of consent, boundaries, healthy relationships, online safety, and bystander intervention.
  4. Advocating for policies and practices that prevent sexualized violence from occurring and support survivors.
  5. Fostering a culture of deep respect, empathy, and integrity where sexual violence is not tolerated at any level.

Let us reaffirm our commitment to creating a community free from sexual violence where everyone is treated with dignity and respect.

To join Saffron and our partners in raising awareness and preventing sexual violence, consider following and re-posting our educational material on social media, as it is evidence-based and fact-checked for accuracy. If you can, donate to Saffron’s programs and services through our website to assist us with trauma counselling and specialized police and court support for our clients. Lastly, talk to your family members and friends about what you learn throughout the month to encourage conversation and de-stigmatize the topic of sexual violence. No one person can eliminate sexual violence; we must work together as a community to facilitate prevention and healing.

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Monday 9:00am 4:30pm
Tuesday 9:00am 9:00pm Wednesday 9:00am 9:00pm
Thursday 9:00am 4:30pm
Friday 9:00am – 4:30pm
Saturday: 9:00am – 3:00pm

Christmas Holiday Closure

Saffron Centre will be closed beginning Saturday, December 23rd through Monday, January 1st and will reopen on January 2nd. Voicemails and emails will not be monitored during this time. For immediate support, call the Edmonton Distress line at 780-482-4357 or the Central Alberta Sexual Assault Centre 24-Hour Help line at 1-866-956-1099.

From all of us at Saffron Centre, we wish you a peaceful holiday season and many blessings in the New Year.