Safe Exit

How to Report Sexual Violence

Saffron Centre can support you with reporting sexual violence.

Satellite Reporting

Saffron Centre has video and audio recording equipment that allows us to host police interviews for those who have been impacted by sexual violence.

Anyone who wishes to report a sexual offence to the Police can contact the Saffron Centre to speak with one of our Specialized Criminal Justice Navigators. Our team will complete an intake, gather basic information, and help arrange your police interview at our office.

Supported Reporting

Clients have the choice to have a Specialized Criminal Justice Navigator present with them in their police interview, whether it occurs at Saffron or in a detachment.

If you would like someone from Saffron to accompany you for reporting at an RCMP detachment, please contact us. We will find a Navigator to accompany you as your designated support staff. While our agreement is with the Strathcona County RCMP, we have also completed supported reporting interviews with the Edmonton Police Service and other RCMP detachments.

Online Reporting

The Edmonton Police Service (EPS) online reporting system allows individuals who experienced sexual violence in Edmonton to report non-urgent sexual assaults online. Online reporting is not applicable if you are in active danger, the event occurred within the last seven days, or you have DNA evidence that could be lost.

If you would like a member of our SPCS team to assist you with the online reporting process and any subsequent police interviews or meetings, please give us a call.

If you are thinking of reporting a crime of sexual violence, please call us. Our team will walk you through the process and ensure you have all the necessary information to choose the option that is best for you.

Duty to Report

If, as an adult, you have reasonable grounds to suspect that a child or vulnerable person (with a physical or mental disability) is at risk of physical, emotional, or sexual violence or neglect, you have a legal obligation to report this to the Police or Children’s Services.

Call the Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-387-5437 (KIDS).

Contact Saffron for Support

Regardless of where you are at in your reporting or court process, our specialized police and court support team is here to support and advocate for you. We will ensure that you have all the necessary information for your file, and that you know your rights and options moving forward.

Monday 9:00am 4:30pm
Tuesday 9:00am 9:00pm Wednesday 9:00am 9:00pm
Thursday 9:00am 4:30pm
Friday 9:00am – 4:30pm
Saturday: 9:00am – 3:00pm

Christmas Holiday Closure

Saffron Centre will be closed from December 21 through December 29, reopening on Monday, December 30. We will also be closed on Wednesday, January 1. Voicemails and emails will not be monitored during this time. For immediate support, call the Edmonton Distress line at 780-482-4357 or the Central Alberta Sexual Assault Centre 24-Hour Help line at 1-866-956-1099.

From all of us at Saffron Centre, we wish you a peaceful holiday season and a happy New Year.